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Introduction:Significant changes of the highest fatty acids content were revealed in the blood serum in children ill with
rachitis. The depth of changes of the highest fatty acids content depended on the degree of the pathologic process severity.
The revealed disturbances of the highest fatty acids content was corrected by means of apricot oil and the results of therapy
were presented. Efficacy of the presented method of treatment in children with rachitis was shown in optimal doses of
apricot oil.
Methods: 67 patients ill with Vitamin-D deficient rachitis and 10 practically healthy children of the control group were
enrolled in the study. The 1
degree of the disease was diagnosed in 30 (44,8%) and the 2
degree in 37 (55,2%)
children.The content of the highest fatty acids in blood serum of the studied patients was determined by means of gas- liquid
chromatography. For identification of separated methyl aether fatty acids the method of “witness” and “sorbentsorbat”
method based on structural group contents were used.
Results:67 babies were studied. In children with Vitamin-D deficient rachitis the content of such fatty acids as palmitinic,
strearic and linolic acids increases and palmitoleinic, oleic, linoleic and arachidonic acids decreases and that is the evidence
of lipid exchange disturbance in rachitis. It motivates the necessity to correct lipid exchange in this pathology and to add
vegetable oils. In order to eliminate dysmetabolism of the highest fatty acids in children with rachitis it is recommended to
administer apricot oil as therapeutic agent.
Conclusion:In order to eliminate the highest fatty acids dysmetabolism in children ill with rachitis it is recommended to
administer apricot oil that results in restoration of the highest fatty acids metabolism and provides high therapeutic effect.