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Jenny D. Menese
Claudio T. Saratan


The purpose of this study is to describe the Antecedents and Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy. The participants were 10
Teenage Mothers aged 14-19 that are selected purposively in terms of undergoing teenage pregnancy in Barangay
Bambang, Bulakan, Bulacan and shared their lived experiences pertaining to this stage of their life. Phenomenological type
of Qualitative Research was utilized in this study. The researcher utilized a guided questionnaire that was based on
literature which has been validated by 3 professionals. The main data source typically is in-depth conversations, with the
researcher and informants as co-participants. Data was collected through tape recording. After the data collection, the
researcher analyzed and interpreted the information obtained using IPA Methodology (Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis).The findings revealed that socio-economic phenomenon caused (antecedents) the participants to experience
teenage pregnancy are Teenage Pregnancy is associated with poverty including low family income, crowded community,
semi squatter dwelling type and school disengagement. Prevalence of family problems/conflicts including ruptured
relationship with parents, broken family and limited parental guidance. Peer influences including hanging out with wrong
barkadas, involvement in drinking sprawl and alcohol misuse. The consequences of teenage pregnancy that the teenage
mothers experienced are family problems including financial problems, nourishment of the child and early responsibilities.
They also experienced discrimination acts like feedback about early pregnancy and topic of rumors. Teenage mother’s
unmet goals are to go abroad, to finish their studies and to support their family. The coping mechanisms of the teenage
mothers are getting family support, acceptance of the phenomenon, getting support from the husband’s family and finding
employment. The Sociological Propositions that evolved from the experiences of the young adolescents who experienced
teenage pregnancy as a social phenomenon is caused, and therefore it can be avoided if the causative factors can be brought
to for, studied and a relevant social program can be formulate to mitigate teenage pregnancy and its consequences. To
conclude, Socio-economic phenomenon plays an important role in causing teenage pregnancy. The results of the study
became the basis for developing guidelines to mitigate teenage pregnancy. The study recommended that the Government
should focus on improving economic opportunities to low-income families to improve their life. Teenagers need proper
counseling and support from their families.

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How to Cite

ANTECEDENTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF TEENAGEPREGNANCY: A PHENOMONOLOGICAL STUDY. (2024). International Journal of Medicine & Health Research (IJMHR) (ISSN 2395-3586) , 12(1).