Estimation of Age by Eruption of Permanent Canine Tooth in Male Subjects ofSouth Karnataka, Population

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A.H. Shivakumar
G.M. Raju
Naseema Begum
V Vijayanath


Estimation of age from eruption of permanent canine tooth is an important parameter in Anthropology, Medicolegal cases, Judicians and Biology. The present study consists of 150 male subjects among the various schools of Davangere in South Karnataka. The age groups were 08-12 years. The aim of the study is to estimate the range of age from recent eruption of permanent canine tooth by their traits in right and left upper and lower quadrants and to compare the observation of various research studies who studied the eruption of permanent canine tooth in the past. Statistical analysis like range of age, mean and standard deviation were calculated. The present study revealed that the permanent canine tooth in the lower jaw eruption earlier than the upper jaw which was not highly significant (p value-0.62) in all the age groups between 08-12 years of age and erupted permanent canine tooth in the age group of 11 years was significant. No significant asymmetry in permanent teeth emergence time has been found between right and left sides of either jaw and it was found to erupt from eleventh to twelfth year of age.

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How to Cite

Estimation of Age by Eruption of Permanent Canine Tooth in Male Subjects ofSouth Karnataka, Population. (2024). BioMedical Research in Medicine (BMR Medicine) (ISSN 2349-0756) , 1(1).