Extracellular enzymatic potential and antimicrobialactivity of endophytic fungal isolates from Operculinaturpethum-an endangered medicinal plant
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Twenty eight fungal isolates of endophytic nature were isolated from different plant parts (leaf and root) of Operculina turpethum-an endangered medicinal plant by inoculating them on different medium (Malt Extract, Sabouraud Dextrose, Czapek Dox and Potato Dextrose Agar medium).Screening of these fungal isolates for different enzymes (extracellular) showed maximum number of amylase, protease, lipase and lasparaginase producers.57% of isolates showed good phosphate solubilisation potential. All the fungal endophytes were also evaluated for the inhibitory activity against three fusarial pathogen. Data recorded on percent growth inhibition exhibited good scoring index of leaf 4 and root 4 against Fusarium chlamydosporum and Fusarium tricinctum. Results indicated the occurrence of good number of endophytic fungi having lot of potential to be exploited for the industrial purpose.